Career Coaching & Mentoring

I tell people what they need to hear…which isn’t always what they want to hear.

Does that sound uncomfortable? Maybe even a little harsh?

Then maybe you and I should work together to figure out how to find you the fulfillment you deserve. 👈 👊

I loved the first ten years of my professional career. Every day was a challenge, but my cup was full.

The next thirteen years…not so much.

I struggled to maintain success while dealing with a growing pile of work, staffing shortages, outsourcing, meetings galore, everything is a priority, headcount reductions, inadequate executives, and reorgs that made no sense.

(Deep breath.)

Seeking a better position was no better. What a sh*t show.

When budget-related cuts were made at my last job, it was a blessing in disguise.

I did a little soul-searching and decided it was time to help others figure out the chaotic world I had just left.

👉 The truth is, I had already been coaching informally for nearly half a decade.

During my last few years working in traditional roles, I wrote and published two books about leadership and corporate challenges.

I started a podcast where I dissected topics like the hiring process and performance reviews and how I initially resisted being a people manager even though I love people.

I often counseled and coached my friends, family members, and colleagues as they fought through the thorny brambles of their work life trying to find fulfillment…or just survive.

I could relate to their struggles.

I had been there, over and over.


  • If you are in a lackluster position or toxic situation and uncertain how to navigate the chaos…

  • If you need help dealing with those not-so-great leaders…

  • If your inner voice is your biggest critic…

  • If you want to make better (and more confident) career decisions…

  • If you just want to make a change but aren’t sure how…

  • If you haven’t quite figured out what that change even looks like but you’re ready to find out…

let’s have a chat and see how we can unveil your work wonderland! ☀️

⭐️ My career coaching approach focuses on optimizing your mindset coupled with the systematic, logistical steps needed to move forward.

Leadership Mentoring.

Some days I think I know a lot about leadership. Other days, I feel I have so much to learn.

Here are some of my favorite leadership quotes:

  • “You are the reason I stayed.”

  • You are without question the best leader I’ve ever had.”

  • ”I will refer to you as my badass boss!”

  • “Thank you for the encouragement to be a better human.”

  • “I can always expect to have an authentic response to things and an honest answer, and I appreciate that in a person.”

  • “You break the stigma of keeping your mouth shut.”

  • “You wear it on your sleeve like I do…you’ve kept me sane and grounded.”

  • “You have no idea how nice it is to have an ally.”

Most of these quotes are posted on the vision board above my desk. They are things my team members and coworkers have told me over the years. When I have a bad day, I look up and read them. I am not telling you these things to brag. They make me proud as hell that I made a small difference.

I’m not a perfect leader, but I’ve learned a lot over the years. I’ve protested against those archaic, misguided rules that many people in leadership positions continue to embody. You don’t become a good leader by bullying people or ordering them around. That’s not what it’s about.

If you want to understand how to improve your company’s leadership culture, or if you want to be a better leader yourself,  hit the black button below and let’s chat!