The Power of Coaching
Cafe Grit Beth Anne Campbell Cafe Grit Beth Anne Campbell

The Power of Coaching

I talk a lot about corporate bullshit but the real goal of Café Grit is to figure out what is our Career Xanadu and go after it, whether it’s full time or on the side or a hobby.

To that end, today I’m going to dive a little bit into coaching.

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Retaining Talent: Oh, Won't You Stay...Just A Little Bit Longer?
Beth Anne Campbell Beth Anne Campbell

Retaining Talent: Oh, Won't You Stay...Just A Little Bit Longer?

It is generally a win-win-win (infinity) situation when people with new and different skills, ideas, and backgrounds come together. Magic CAN happen.

But how often DOES it happen? And how long will people stick around if the pixie dust turns to clay?

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The Barbeque
Beth Anne Campbell Beth Anne Campbell

The Barbeque

A weary nanny ponders life during a family barbeque.

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In Pursuit Of My Career Xanadu
Beth Anne Campbell Beth Anne Campbell

In Pursuit Of My Career Xanadu

As if the pursuit of My Career Xanadu isn’t hectic enough…holy Hannah! The consulting career can be a multitasking nightmare. 🚫 Multitasking is a myth, did you know that, Dournal? It is. Anyone who says otherwise is either insane or an alien from another galaxy and someone should call Scully and Mulder. 👽

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What I Used To Hate
Beth Anne Campbell Beth Anne Campbell

What I Used To Hate

🥥 This morning I poured some whole coconut milk into my coffee. I think I actually heard the creaking of the coffin as my mother turned over in her grave.

Filed under the category of “things I used to hate but now love” would be coconut. Those little flakes of white pulp were deceptively appealing in my youth. I wanted to love coconut, but I just hated the taste and texture. It was my pre-teen Kryptonite.

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Writer. Blogger. Researcher?
Beth Anne Campbell Beth Anne Campbell

Writer. Blogger. Researcher?

Writing a novel is only about 50% actual writing. 📚

Say what? Come on, now! That’s crazy talk!

No, it’s true. At least for me, it is. I spend a significant portion of my dedicated novel time doing things falling outside of the strict writing category. Waking up the computer. Getting supporting documents opened up. Remembering where I left off. Getting into the right mindset. Thinking. I won’t count petting the dog or making French Press coffee, but I do those too

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